

Interview | NBC News USA

In a recent meeting with Ms. Cynthia McFadden, who was in Romania for an interview, we delved into my past, addressing an increasingly concerning theme in the digital world - 'ransomware.' Jointly with Mr. Madalin Dumitru, we discussed this pressing issue in an interview for NBC. I encourage you to watch our discussion to gain insights into the escalating cyber threats.

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Atlassian Jira | DOM XSS Vulnerability | Unauthenticated

Atlassian Jira is a widely-used project management platform, offering robust tools for tracking, managing, and collaborating on various projects. Its features, including issue tracking and customizable workflows, make it a staple in software development and project management.

DOM XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is a medium-critical vulnerability specific to web applications. This attack allows malicious scripts to be injected directly into a web page's Document Object Model (DOM), putting users at risk. Prompt identification and remediation of this vulnerability are essential to safeguarding a web application's integrity and security.
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